- Since the start of the interest retail has had to adapt, however particulate more than ever over the last decade.
- Technology has now caught up with retail and overtaken the high street. The rapid growth of individuals using of mobile devices and faster cheaper online connections is just causing more damage. High streets have fallen and big brands close on a daily basis.
- Since the last global crisis in 2008, the big finance recession, offices have also seen a change in the last decade. From Flexi shorter leases or monthly memberships, co-working to sharing facilities such as cafes and meeting rooms.
- Occupiers have become the dictators to the Landlords, turning the relationship. You could argue that occupier demand and wanting choice of flexibility could also have been put down to PropTech and banking crisis.
- So what influence will the unprecedented global COVID-19 have on the way we will now work, or even employer and employee relationships?
- The workforce has now been forced to take the plunge and go back into their homes to work, rather than their employers and bosses allowing them to have this luxtury opportunity and trust. Some more senior staff may have been been allowed just one day a week as a gesture of goodwill. if requested by say administration and other members of a company they may have been told it simple wouldn’t work.
- On average 48 weeks of your year would be at work and in this time you would be commuting to and from your offices, people would live and move closer or commute long distances, sacrificing family and friends from their original home towns. The cost of traveling has staggering increased in the last 10 years.
- Now new build homes, student accommodation and retirement living are now not just a roof over your head, but offering a lifestyle, which includes co-working spaces, gyms and organised social activities, even communities, restaurants and bars.
- The White City BBC television centre in London is a prime example, with residents able to have membership to private exclusive clubs such as Soho House, located in the building itself. A cinema and 24 hours concierge service. Why leave your home to commute to work?
- Home deliveries such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats are now threatening the restaurant trade with box park and none customer high street kitchens servicing this demand. Is this now the next victim of consumerism execrated by COVID-19?
7+ Benefits of the ‘Anywhere Office’ for both parties:-
1) A more productive workforce

2) Happier, more satisfied employees

3) Continuity during uncertain business conditions

4) A wider talent pool

5) Opening up new sources of talent

6) Lowered environmental impact

7) Reduced turnover and hiring costs

8) Faster growth

If the Governments 12 week prediction to an end of self isolation to COVID-19 is correct and employers see the benefits of working from home, will employers ask their staff to return back to work or keep what is working. OR like tenant occupiers to landlords, employees may dictate and demand that they will continue to work this way?