
Palladium House – Schedule of Condition Report

Schedule of Condition Report

What is a Schedule of Condition Report and what is it needed for?

A Schedule of Condition Report is a detailed document that records the existing state of a property before any work occurs.

This report is used to:

This Report encompasses a description, assessment, and photographs of the following elements.


A Schedule of Condition Report was requested for the Ground Floor, North Basement, and 1st Floor external area of Palladium House, located at 1-4 Argyll Street, London, W1F 7LD.

Site Visit

The site inspection for the Schedule of Condition was conducted on April 14, 2022, in warm, dry weather. It was a non-invasive visual assessment using binoculars and a camera, with no access to concealed areas of the property.

Additionally, during the site inspection, hundreds of photographs were captured to thoroughly document the relevant characteristics.

The report includes multiple tables for each area, along with a photography schedule, detailing various aspects and pertinent information. Each table references the numbers of the photographs that illustrate the specific characteristics discussed.

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